In the world not of the world
How easy it is to lose sight of the important things.
How easy it is to look for praise, to want it, to crave it.
How easy it can be to start every sentence with I. I want. I need. I have. And how difficult it is to put others first.
For quite some time I have been obsessed with having something, it's not really something physical, it's more of a recognition, or a validation, as days become weeks, and weeks become months, and the desired wish couldn't come to realization, my mind rolls around, getting lost in the thoughts that my dear Father has forgotten me, or that He doesn't care enough about me to give me what my heart desires right now.
Do you want to know what is also easy? It's easy to forget how much He has done for me already. How He set His eyes on me, and I could feel His love and protection since I was a child, way before I had any interest on meeting Him. The way He took me out of my scene, out of all the people, people that probably have done better than me in His eyes, people that are not complicated like me, people that have a lot to offer, that are good at speaking out loud, not someone so small and simple like me. However He chose me, He hand picked me out of all of them, set me apart, and then came shaking my life like a powerful thunderstorm. Yes a life that didn't have much sense besides the mundane, and all of the sudden my mind started looking for Him, my Father, I wanted to know Him, to know what His plan is, to know why I was where I was and what was I doing. And I found Him... A beautiful sight of a Father looking out for His child, and I found that even when I didn't recognized Him, He was always in my life, taking care of me, of the big decisions of my life, and of the little ones too.
Six years ago I accepted Him into my heart, and He knocked my world upside down, made me see things I had never seen before, opened my eyes, and let me know He was always there, but to have real communion with Him, I have to be set apart, I can't be of the world.
And this world makes everything that is possible to have me entertained, busy, occupied, worried... School, work, house, family, friends... Always a distraction, always a difficulty, and it is so easy in those moments to get away from Him, to look for human understanding, and for human recognition. And it is in those moments precisely when I most need my Father, His word, the closeness that brings the understanding of our situation. We are a simple vapor in the wind, we are here, but oh for so little, we won't even have time to do anything significant, even the most famous or rich get forgotten eventually, but our Father is there, firm as a rock, unmoving, unchanging and He loves us. I can't find anything better than to dedicate my time to Him. To find grace in His merciful eyes.
Who needs the world when I can be in the sight of the creator of the universe?